THIS IS MY 2010 BLOG... revisited 5 years later

Saturday, November 28, 2009

I’m going to call this The Real Battle (part 3 in the war series)

This is part 3 of the last 2 blogs.

You know that verse, “The truth shall make you free,”? In the past few months this verse has come alive to me. I’ve found a beautiful joy, a fresh passion, and a moving force in a quest for this truth.

In correlation with my last two blogs I have to wonder if we fight the wrong fight most often. Generally we’re fighting for someTHING. For example, people often fight their entire lives for a good job or a better one or even better pay. We fight for health in the onslaught of sickness after sickness (I do actually consider health a thing because this body isn’t everlasting). We fight for those material desires, things we hunger for, possibly a reliable vehicle, a great outfit; I don’t know, things, you get what I’m saying right (hopefully). We strive and toil, and pray, and hope, and believe; we put our energy and struggle into these fights for THINGS. But all of these things, in the grand scheme are meaningless. They may add a bit of pleasure to our fleeting lives. They may give a sense of purpose, a cause, a reason to move. These fights seem right, usually, they seem like God’s will to most people. And so we continue to fight for what we believe “the enemy has stolen”, or is keeping from us.

I’m starting to wonder; actually I’ve begun to believe that all these fights are on the edge of the real battle. I believe that the real war is a war against truth, and we should be fighting to obtain it.

Once, I stood before the Lord. There was window in heaven, closed, I looked up to it. All of my desires, things I believe that God has promised me pressed up against the window, out of reach and trapped behind the glass. My heart ached for these things, things which would vastly increase every aspect of my life. I whined to God, “Why have you kept these things from me? They are out of my reach and I am much too weak to open that window, even if I could get to it. What am I to do?” Clear as day (I think that’s the expression) I heard Him say, “These things I’ve shown you, I am going to do for you, rejoice in that. You mustn’t look to them, but look to Me.” Ok, it wasn’t in those words exactly I don't think. It was quite awhile ago actually and I don’t remember exactly what was said, but that was the gist of it.

At the time my heart was relieved and I hoped in the Lord for those things, just as He’d promised. But lately, lately I’ve found a greater hope. Just recently I’m beginning realize that, like He said, He plans to provide those things for me, but I really need not hope for them because it’s wasted energy. Do you see what I’m saying? God said they’re mine. It’s not a battle I must fight. I don’t need to war for any of that. He said he’s giving them to me and then He said, “Look to Me.” I fully, completely, totally believe that is the battle.

Every minute of everyday something is trying to pull your eyes off of the Lord. That is the battle. The sickness isn’t the battle. Keeping your eyes on God is. The better job isn’t the battle. Believing God’s word is. The thing you’re passionate for isn’t what you should be fighting for; you should be fighting for a greater passion for God. I think, that when the Israelites marched to battle, their battle was believing God’s word and being obedient, it wasn’t killing the bad guys. I think the ultimate fight is for truth.
This is like a bullet point or something. I have to add this cause it’s something that irks me. We “Christians” have a strong tendency to lay dormant at the feet of authority. The Bible says that rebellion is as witch craft. It also says that we must submit to the governing authorities, both great verses, and things to definitely follow and live by. BUT, if you have a relationship with God; if you seek Him and listen; if you hear His voice and it’s contrary to what the authorities are saying then right there, DING, DING, DING, that’s a battle for truth! You must submit to the governing authorities, GOD said so. BUT God is a little bit more of an authority than any on this earth and if He’s telling you something that’s different than what they’re saying then maybe, just maybe the said authority isn’t seeing TRUTH. There’s probably a lie blocking their vision and if, by chance, God has given you the insight to see through that lie then maybe, just maybe you need to pray, fight, battle (IN THE SPIRIT) for your authority to see truth. Don’t go against them. God told you not to. But fight for truth, war, battle.

Here’s the thing, it’s WAY easier for the enemy to lie to the authority and stop an entire people with one lie than for him to try and trick everyone. Guess who he’s most likely to go after… And if the people are always just submitting, and not fighting, then, well, truth is dead.

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