THIS IS MY 2010 BLOG... revisited 5 years later

Friday, November 27, 2009

still fighting (two posts in one day, ahh)

I think there are two parts to spiritual warfare. The first part is simply identifying the battle. I think too often we try and wage war against unnecessary foes. Like I said earlier, it’s essential to seek God first, “should I fight this fight?” Once the Lord has said, “Go,” then you march to battle. If God says, “No, this isn’t your war,” then back off. That’s part 1.

The first part is just as important as the second part but the second part is the actual fight, the battle itself. When the armies of God went to war God had given them direction, He told them to fight and He told them that He went before them; that the victory was theirs. It’s evident from a vast amount of scripture that the Children of God had a very difficult time believing in Him most often. So, you’ve got a little army (the army was usually about 10 times smaller than the enemy’s) that’s just stepped out in faith before a terrifying enemy with only the hope that God will stay true to His word and beat the bad guys for them.

I think this is the key to any fight you may encounter. If you’ve sought the Lord and He’s said, “Go,” then you must believe that this is a fight you’re going to win, that no matter how big it looks, no matter how terrifying, no matter how impossible the situation may appear, God will stay true to His word and He will go before you and you will be victorious. You have none of this assurance if you haven’t taken the time to go before the Lord and complete part 1 (you need to know which battles He’s set before you to fight).

In spiritual warfare you really don’t have a guy standing in front of you holding a sword and shield while grimacing menacingly. I think it pretty much goes without saying, but I’ll say it, spiritual warfare is fought with prayer, scripture, faith, and obedience. If God tells you to do something foolish and weird in order to win the fight he’s set before you, well, you need to do it. But really I think the key to it all is faith, knowing that once he’s sent you forth, He goes before you, that you are victorious, that He is on your side (just stick by Him).

Wow, that was like introduction number 2. I still haven’t even gotten to the initial point I wanted to make : )

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