THIS IS MY 2010 BLOG... revisited 5 years later

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Path I Trod, Day 327

The way to being is penetration through the surface and insight into reality. -Erich Fromm

C.S. Lewis says that the devil offers us two opposite sets of bad. I believe that the straight and narrow path mentioned in the scriptures passes between the two bads. To trod the straight and narrow path requires balance. When one leans towards the right or the left they stray from the perfect path.

I've discovered a central truth (false truth actually) that courses through my veins. I believe in my very core that I am a failure. (I imagine that this is a base lie that the enemy feeds to many MANY individuals) My heart beats a resounding cry of defeat and inadequacy which causes me to shrink back from life more often than not. The real truth is that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me but the lie which has been woven into the fiber of my being from my childhood negates the truth and relinquishes the power in the name of Jesus.

I've recently realized that I've been attempting to battle this lie (unconsciously) through accomplishment. I feel that if I can juggle all the balls and let none drop then I can defeat the truth of my inability to succeed. But I always drop at least one ball. In fact I very rarely am able to get them all into the air. Time and time again I fail  which only solidifies the false truth of failure which seems to own me.

The straight and narrow involves me walking faithfully forward with my eyes all the time focused on Christ. To the left of this path lies absolute defeat, idleness, slothfulness, fear, not one reason to advance because failure is immanent. To the right of the straight and narrow lies the opposite bad. This is me on my own attempting to overcome Satan, attempting to conquer the world, attempting to juggle every single ball and obtain perfection. I can no longer succumb to defeat or walk down the path of solitary struggle for victory. In order to BE I need balance. I need to follow the straight and narrow path that leads to Christ.

I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  Philippians 4:11, 13

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