THIS IS MY 2010 BLOG... revisited 5 years later

Monday, May 31, 2010

Update, Day 138

I’ve been reading my Bible outside each morning for the past three days. For the past three days I’ve had an overwhelming calm and peace about my spirit.

I haven’t bought one single thing in a long time because I have been trying so diligently to not spend money.

I’ve stopped memorizing Spanish words. I don’t know why I do that. It’s so easy: just pick a word and remember it. I get mad at myself for neglecting the little things which mean so much to me, which are essentially so easy, and yet which I just let go.

I haven’t gotten rid of anything from my house in a long time but I keep telling myself that I’m going to have a garage sale…

I haven’t drank any coffee (with the exception of two sips of a “white chocolate hot chocolate” that the barista thought should have espresso in it) since January 31st. 4 entire months. That’s the good news. The sad news is that despite my having purged coffee I’m not much nearer to the ultimate coffee purging goal. I still, adamantly look forward to the day I’ll be able to drink it. I’ve almost completely assured myself that I will drink at least one cup in Guatemala. And in the mean time I’ve still got tea, hot cocoa, and other splendid beverages to take coffee’s place in my needy little life. So, I’ve done really well with the main objective but at present I’m not really accomplishing what I set out to do.

This year has been challenging, to say the least. I’ve been angry with myself for letting so many things go. On the flip side I’ve been learning how to let things go. I can’t live life always striving to accomplish everything and then always frustrated for having not accomplished it all. I am SLOWLY learning to set goals, to work hard, and to look positively at the outcome, knowing that it isn’t ever truly over until I’ve breathed my last. Ultimately I am learning to enjoy the ride; notice the flowers in the path and to feel the sun on my skin. I’ve definitely grown, realized much, and I continually look forward to each step along the way.

Make me walk in the path of Your commandments, For I delight in it.
Psalm 119:35

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