THIS IS MY 2010 BLOG... revisited 5 years later

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Velveteen Conejo, Day 118

Have you ever noticed that in movies which are set in an old European era even the really big homes are at least a bit run down? I love the house in Pride and Prejudice that the Bennet Family lives in. It’s really large. It’s a beautiful home but it has smudges on the walls, and lots of little imperfections. I love that movie for what it is but every time I watch it I embrace a renewed comfort in the velveteen.

I pulled some bulky nonsense away from my entry way wall this evening. There were smudges galore all over it. I thought to myself, “where’s the magic eraser?” Then I remembered Pride and Prejudice. There was a time when normal people couldn’t afford to re-paint their walls regularly. They couldn’t just replace carpet because it got dingy. When they acquired truly new items those items were utilized for generations after. Things weren’t discarded because of chips and scratches, wear and tear. Actually the bed frame I used as a child was brought over from England with my Grandmother. It had been hers and her mother’s before her (James broke it).

It’s extremely silly but at times I kind of like the smudges on my walls. At times I kind of relish the fact that we haven’t painted a single wall in this house since we moved in. Seeing the little marks reminds me that we “live” here. New is nice but being able to see the years of life in a thing puts a smile on my face. I will get out the magic eraser but I’ve no plans of painting anytime soon.

Disclaimer: I love freshly painted walls. I love the change of color and the newness a simple can of creamy colorful liquid can bring to a room. It isn’t costly and it’s so dramatic. What I am saying however is that in this day and age we hardly ever hold onto anything. We don’t value what we have anymore. Our way of life is, “new is cool. Anything else belongs in the landfill.” But really how long does anything stay new?

And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others. As the Scriptures say, "Godly people give generously to the poor. Their good deeds will never be forgotten." 2 Corinthians 9: 8-9 NLT

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