THIS IS MY 2010 BLOG... revisited 5 years later

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Bordered by Frogs, Day 35

Predominantly “having” relationships are heavy, burdened, filled with conflicts and jealousies.
-Erich Fromm

I am completely overwhelmed by all of my things. I’m looking around my room and there are hundreds of things surrounding me. There are things on the walls, on the floor, things in things, and under things; stuff is everywhere. In order to embark upon somewhat of a “being” existence as opposed to a “having” one I have decided to let go of 365 things this year. I truly thought this task would be an easy one. My home is home to literally thousands of things. However I’m finding that even the smallest of items, ones I never use and some I wasn’t aware I had I’m struggling immensely with the idea of losing. “I’m sure who ever gave that to me wished much joy from my using it… I can’t get rid of it.” “I know I’ll NEED that item someday… not sure when, but I know I will.” “I’ve gotten so much use out of it, even though it’s no longer useful… I should just keep it around.” At least a quarter of the stuff in this house isn’t even mine or my husbands. We’ve an entire basement and second floor filled with other people’s things. Even these I’m unable to dispose of. I imagine someone at some point in time might miss it, even though it’s been in my house for over 5 years and no one’s inquired of it yet. Oh, my goodness this grand plan of mine is turning out to be torturesome.

I’m looking at all this stuff while holding so tightly onto it despite its worthlessness and I can’t help but picture the individuals all over this planet with a grand sum total of maybe a dozen things which belong to them. I feel greedy, wasteful, and stupid. I need not one of these things which I own in order to be me, not one. Actually if I were to try and picture my house void of all the wasteful stuff inhabiting it, well it’s quite picturesque, lovely in fact. The feelings I have associated with that vision are feelings of peace, tranquility, and freedom. I want to get rid of all these things so why am I holding so tightly onto them?

If you refuse to let go, behold, I will smite all your borders with frogs.
Ex. 8:2

This verse is pretty irrelevant but I like it because all the waste I’m living with is sort of like being surrounded by frogs : )

1 comment:

  1. I commented on this before, but its still not here. For the most part, your things will be of no value to me. I will not see in them what you do. ie: I will be one of the best people (fully willing) to help you sort and sift and purge. I can come bearing boxes, too! Plus, your finances will thank you next year come tax time :) JUST THINK OF ALL THE SPACE and tranquility you will acquire! I give away boxes and bags WEEKLY. Its an awesome feeling. Let me know if you'd like some in-person encouragement :)
