THIS IS MY 2010 BLOG... revisited 5 years later

Saturday, February 6, 2010

These two tiny eyes, Day 39

Indeed, to one for whom having is the main form of relatedness to the world, ideas that cannot easily be pinned down (or penned down) are frightening- like everything else that grows and changes, and thus is not controllable.
-Erich Fromm

I bet that there’s something to be learned from every single person on this planet. I’m certain that you know something that I don’t. What if I looked at all of the people I encounter from this perspective? What if I operated out of respect towards EVERYONE? If I could truly walk in humility, eyes wide open expecting to learn and grow and increase because I know that you have something to offer the world which I do not, everyone would look amazing to me. Everyone would be intriguing and interesting and worthwhile. Pride’s a funny thing, with all its pomp and grandeur it keeps the one who owns it from increasing.

I feel like I am constantly wanting to share what I know with everyone. I feel like I pick apart what people offer based on my current position of understanding. As much as I’d like too, I rarely look at life through someone else’s perspective. I “have” all sorts of knowledge and info and life experiences of my own. I’ve worked to obtain them. My sweat and my tears have caused me to acquire them. Somehow this makes my knowledge more valuable to me than yours. But I dare say “my” knowledge is lacking perspective. I can’t see everything the way it truly is through these two tiny eyes. I do believe that you have something to offer on which I’ve never dined. Here’s to stepping out from behind pride.

If everyone valued everyone else, this would be a different world indeed. This is what I’m thinking about today, and hopefully for many many days to come.

Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.
Matt 5:44-45

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