THIS IS MY 2010 BLOG... revisited 5 years later

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

First Quarter, Day 93

2010 is one quarter over. I think I've done a fair job at BEING however I am glad that there are still three quarters of this year left. I think I need to evaluate how I truly spend my time. For quite some time now I've been feeling like I cannot catch up, like there just isn't enough time in the day, and that I'm unable to do most of the things I strive to accomplish during each day.

Tomorrow I am going to keep track of every thing I spend time on and I'm going to work harder at mulit tasking. In other words I'm going to regroup and attempt to focus on using every moment during the day for growth, increase, and productivity. If I'm driving I can pray. If I'm working I can study Espanol. If I'm cleaning I can... well there's something I can be doing with my mind I'm sure.

During January I gave it my all and I saw increase in my life like never before. Caffeine and I'll just call him the sneaky snake (that's what we call him in sunday school) kicked my butt. And March was just exauhsting and I have not recovered from the time change yet. April is the beggining of 2010's third quarter. Life is returning out of doors. Warmth has come back. Today, tomorrow, and everyday is new.

34. Barbilla - chin
35. Boca - mouth
36. Cara - face
37. Cabello - hair
38. Neriz - nose (I think, I'm having a difficult time remembering this one)
39. Ojo - eye
40.Oreja - ear
41. Pelo - hair

and I cannot remember cheek but it starts with an M and is a little bit like Meijer

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