THIS IS MY 2010 BLOG... revisited 5 years later

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Observations of Day 92

Today I was reminded of how breathtakingly beautiful green can be. The rain showers are creating temporary ponds and streams along roadways and within fields and each unique body of water is surrounded by emerald green grass. Winter has lost its hold. Life has returned to Michigan and reborn beauty is springing forth everywhere.

I couldn’t quite contain a gleeful smile as I walked past a Meijer employee as he was heading into work. He wore a grungy black t-shirt with something like a rock band type graphic upon it. His red Meijer polo was slung over his shoulder in a rebellious act of resisting the clutches of employment, rules, and responsibility; refusing to wear the uniform until the very last moment is a subtle declaration of one’s last few breaths of freedom. He had a lip piercing and wasn’t exactly clean shaven and he had disheveled dark brown hair. He was tall and on the larger side of pudgy. This was a guy who likes potato chips and pizza most likely. I don’t imagine he’s ever been into sports and I believe I can safely say he doesn’t often exercise. Just before I passed him by he spoke into his cell phone in a tender giddy tone the words, “I love you!” Which he promptly followed with smooching noises. I smiled to myself as I walked on by and refrained from chuckling as I laughed on the inside. Even societies most rebellious and jaded, even they can be smitten by love and made to look like playful frolicking little children. Life is precious.

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