THIS IS MY 2010 BLOG... revisited 5 years later

Sunday, April 25, 2010

A light to my eyes, Day 109

I drove past a perfectly picturesque little white house today. There was a small white bench out front, a cute hanging cottagy sign, and a window box full of flowers. The landscaping was quaint; flowerbeds overflowing with a vast assortment of vegetation. A smile crossed my face as I gazed upon the establishment.

As I fight to overcome the influences of the consumerist society I’ve been raised in I tend to forget that there is some good to be found in the little things we surround ourselves with. I saw that little home with its bench and sign, its flower box and flowers and I could almost picture the person living inside. Some of the things we acquire and the things we display are really just extensions of who we are. We don’t need them in order to be. They don’t define our being but rather they reflect it. Some things help to better tell the story of the individual who owns them. I was reminded of that today and it was nice to find joy, rather than repulsion in a little bit of luxury.

I believe that I’ve been called to be a blessing, that everything I own was given to us by God and that He desires for me to use what He’s bestowed upon me to bless the people He places within my path. Sometimes I forget that He desires equally so to bless me as well.

The poor and the oppressor have this in common--the LORD gives light to the eyes of both.
Prov. 29:13

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