THIS IS MY 2010 BLOG... revisited 5 years later

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Utopians, Day 71

Those who unconsciously despair yet put on the mask of optimisim are not necessarily wise. But those who have not given up hope can succeed only if they are hardheaded realists, shed all illusions, and fully appreciate the difficulties. This sobriety marks the distinction between awake and dreaming “utopians.”
-Erich Fromm

Does anyone else think that Christians are using the return of Christ as a poor excuse for being irresponsible towards the world we live in? I do.

Our ozone is failing. Our glaciers are melting. The water on this planet is becoming more and more polluted. Our landfills are despicable. Our natural resources are quite possibly running out. The wild free natural landscapes that were home to countless numbers of animals and plant species are decreasing and species are rapidly dying off in consequence. Mankind is seemingly becoming more and more selfish, egocentric, and greedy. The gap between the wealthy and the impoverished is continually increasing. We’re consuming more and more while simultaneously discarding, wasting, and destroying more and more.

I believe that practically everyone is aware of these problems but our current overall attitude seems to be one of disregard. We act as if the problems are far too big to resolve and so we just shouldn’t pay attention to them. Anyone who refuses to recycle, use less energy, consume less wasteful products, anyone who refuses to open their eyes and admit the truth of our catastrophe is, well sadly they’re one of the vast majority of us homo sapiens who are destroying the planet we call home.

What is possibly worse, and I know I let the thought linger in the back of my mind is that most Christians believe that Christ will return soon. We haven’t a clue as to what soon means but we believe He will and this gives us cause to ignore the problems. “The earth will end eventually. Jesus is coming back. Our sun cannot even last forever so I’m just not going to think about it.” I am feeling ashamed for ever having felt this way in the least and for the, maybe billions of people who currently hold this position. We should be responsible for everything we’ve been given. And as we’ve chosen to acquire, and to consume, and to use more and more and more of everything, well we have all the more to be responsible for. I don’t think anyone can use the excuse that they’re juggling too many balls so it’s perfectly ok if they let which ever ones they so chose fall and crush mankind. Maybe we need to get rid of some of the balls we’re juggling.

Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming upon you. You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter.
James 5:1, 5

18. Already, now, finally - YA
19. This - Esto (What is this - Que es esto)

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