THIS IS MY 2010 BLOG... revisited 5 years later

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The hairs on your head are all numbered, Day 159

I want to be loved simply because I am.
-Bradley Hathaway
Have you ever seen a small girl with those childhood smudges upon her cheeks; tiny ringlets at the ends of her straight blonde hair; oddly mismatched clothing spattered with holes, wear, stains; sticky palms covered in brown dirt and the hugest loveliest smile upon her little glowing face? She runs to her mother who’s taken zero note of the child’s hours and hours long absence and yet the little blonde darling can think of nothing other than sharing with her mom all the adventures she’s partook of while she’s been away. Her mind is racing with thoughts of the thousands of dandelions she picked, the pink butterfly she watched, the strange quirky dorky boy she met, the lines she swirled around in the dirt creating masterpieces of black brown artwork, the animals she saw in the clouds; we’re talking worlds and lifetimes of adventure here.

At her homecoming the child meets her mother with joy and exuberance. She may get a tired, “where’ve you been, huh?” greeting. The young girl begins to gush her stories of adventure. Her mother turns her head and hushes her and tells her to go and pick up the 20 puzzles she dumped out earlier in the back bedroom. The child quickly responds with a “yes mommy I will, I will… but,” then she continues to inform her mom of the many wonders of life. Her mom still hears not a word, but yells this time, “quite, CLEAN up your mess now! Didn’t you hear me?!” With but another attempt the young little blonde beauty tries to share her delight with her mom, her best friend… but to no avail. A tad bit heartbroken she trudges to the back room and fusses with the mess.

I’ve seen SOOO many children ignored, so many beautiful intelligent amazing little minds overlooked. I’ve seen so many hearts trampled upon and neglected by the people they adore more than anything. And yet I’ve never seen a small child not love his or her parents. Little children, no matter how they are treated glow with desire and with love for their parents. It’s one of the saddest and most beautiful things I’ve ever witnessed.

I was thinking about this a bit last week. This love, this unfettered absolute unconditional sad but beautiful love is how God loves us. It doesn’t matter what we do or how we treat Him. He desires us, to be with us, to listen to us, to speak and to sing over us. God is like a little child who loves despite every abuse. God desires that we love him like little children, passionately fervently desiring to share our hearts with our Father.

My heart breaks for every little child who loves despite the absolute neglect they’re given in return. But that is love and to take that away from them would be more tragic than anything. Additionally, God will never stop loving you.

The very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are more valuable to Him than a whole flock of sparrows. Luke 12:7

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