THIS IS MY 2010 BLOG... revisited 5 years later

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Accomplished, Day 204

Today was a good day. I didn’t travel or enjoy a wonderful vacation. I didn’t experience a romantic evening with my sweetheart or dine on gourmet food. I’m not enjoying an extended weekend or any of that great stuff. Today was normal but I found motivation (not so much focus but motivation) and I tackled little tasks almost all day. I enjoyed little bits of the day as they came along. I took baby steps and I feel like I actually got somewhere today. I also came to the conclusion once again that I’m looking at the big picture a bit too often. In terms of cleaning my wonderfully cluttered home I need to pick one area and stick to it till it’s great and then move on. Additionally I slept in this morning. I ate good food. I spent the day at home with my family. I felt the breeze on my warm skin. I focused in on all three of my priorities. I took time to listen to music and to read (about Ireland… MY FAVORITE!). Today was a good day.

In case you’re wondering I did a TON of laundry.

I sanded, spackled, and painted the raw spots on the bathroom wall where the shower curtain rod did some damage and then I installed a shower curtain rod holder.

I cleaned my upstairs a bit. (If someone came over and wanted to stay the night they’ve actually got a relatively nice place to stay now)

This one’s for you Kelly: Jesse’s sister came over and took almost all those toys we sorted through. So that attic is half empty now!!!

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