THIS IS MY 2010 BLOG... revisited 5 years later

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Excess, Day 209

The house I call home has 19 closets/ cupboards and 43 drawers. All of which are filled practically to overflowing with STUFF. Every one of these compartments is designed to house THINGS which may be used at some point in time. The majority of the STUFF that resides within the above mentioned compartments never leaves its resting place. Oooh… maybe I’ll need that later. Oh… I wouldn’t want to have to buy another one of those if the need arose. Well… all the others might wear out and then I’ll need this one. Ahh… I remember when I got that, I better keep it.

At this point in time I can no long find a rationalization for housing all the STUFFS contained within these closets, cupboards and drawers. The oohs and ahhs are no longer cutting it. I’m surrounded by excess, by clutter, by nonsensical items of which I’ll probably never use. I know for a fact that there are people living quite happily all over this planet with very little possessions to call their own. I’m more than ready to join them.

I no longer need all these THINGS but rather I need to get rid of them. I need to have order, cleanliness, and some simplicity concerning the stuff that’s invaded my life. Obtaining, collecting, and gathering were such simple, practically effortless tasks. I’m not entirely sure how all the STUFFS managed to take over every bit of our storage space but reclaiming that space for more practical use is looking to be a million times more difficult than utilizing it has been. The drawers, closets, compartments all over the house unfortunately need to take a back burner but I’m baby stepping my way to them and by golly they’re going to be cleansed. The excess must go!

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