THIS IS MY 2010 BLOG... revisited 5 years later

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Home sweet home, Day 214

I spent time this morning while driving to work giving thanks. This morning I was thankful for my delicious breakfast (chocolate chip pancake with peanut butter and Irish breakfast tea). I was thankful for the green that is everywhere at present. I do love autumn but the green outdoors is spectacular. I gazed at the forests of emerald green and the vast feilds filled with low lying morning clouds. There were hawks coasting through the sky overhead. I noticed large purple patches of wild flowers amongst the fields. I was thankful this morning, very very thankful.

Amidst all the stress, anxiety, depression, and go go go lifestyles many of us live we're surrounded by beauty and magnificent creation. I wonder if God specifically created everything so magnificently in part so that our very surroundings might soothe us, bring about peace and calm, and reflect His glory into our busy lives. We just need to stop and notice.

Think about birds singing, snowflakes gently falling to the ground, morning dew sparkling on the grass, wind musicaly carressing the leaves. What about the trees, and flowers, and plants, streams, lakes, ponds, waterfalls. Picture if you will all the many many species of animals that inhabit the earth with us; elephants, monkeys, deer, insects, frogs, flamingos, zebras... Think about the world we live in and the endless beauty it encompasses. If in no other way, none whatsoever, God has blessed us simply by allowing us to live here on this beautiful planet (and we're not even allowed in the Garden of Eden).

Yet we seem to forget regularly that this amazing place is our home.

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