THIS IS MY 2010 BLOG... revisited 5 years later

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Our day off, Day 218

Today was momentous. Jesse and I had a day off TOGETHER. We never have the same days off. We decided to go to a pizza place in Grand Rapids since eating is pretty much our favorite thing to do. The pizza place was closed. We ate at Pietro's instead (SOO good). Then we decided to go shopping. After all what's there to do in GR except shop?

We ventured through a few stores without making any purchases. Then we decided to go to the mall. The mall was a bit overwhelming and mildly depressing. There's so much excess packed into one large building. We didn't see one single thing we needed. There was alot of cool stuff there but it all just seemed like things to spend money on. Nothing seemed necessary or essential. We walked more and more quickly the longer we were there until we broke for a hasty retreat.

After we arrived back home we decided to go swimming at the beach. I was extreamly excited by this decision. I've been asking Jesse to go swimming all summer. At each request he's responded with an, "eeww, that water is so gross!" It was wonderful, cold, but wonderful. There something so refreshing about being emmerced in water, the waves gently rolling in, bobbing you up and down, back and forth. I took full advantage of feeling the warm sand between my toes and listening to the waves roll across the shore. The sun sparkled on the tips of each blade of dune grass. The blue sky was full of small fluffy white clouds. Boats spotted the shoreline. (there wasn't a beachy smell of sunscreen, tobacco, fish, and lake water... because there weren't very many people at the beach, there were no fish, and no one was smoking, but the fresh air was delightful)

In short we spent half of the day in the material world. Not incredibly rewarding. The other half was spent enjoying nature and each other. Quite pleasant.

(Now I'm hoping for icecream)

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