THIS IS MY 2010 BLOG... revisited 5 years later

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Good Day 277

Well I might have just climbed out of the ditch again. I had a really good run there for bit. I was so productive and so happy and then, once again as what's apparently becoming completely usual I crashed. I've been so unmotivated, to the point of not really even thinking about anything but sort of just passing through life. I really can't remember anything about the past few days oh, except being a complete and total falior. I've been OUT OF IT and sick too (thats definitely part of the problem... ooh maybe I could blame it on the storm also). I've been avoiding blogging, which at present I'm very angry with myself for doing, because I haven't wanted to think and I've had nothing to say. I could have posted several really super lame blogs saying, "I've got nothing," or maybe "I SUCK." but man that would have been pointless and awful. So I just haven't.

Today, though, I think I'm back. The day is very rapidly flying by (I generally accomplish every thing worthwhile on Saturdays and Sundays before noon) but I'm still feeling good about life. I'm feeling like everyone struggles and (sometimes I think I'm the only crazy person living on this planet, but) there's not really anything wrong with me. I'm just human and honestly I'm ok with that. I'm feeling very Pollyannaish today. I'm thankful for my health (even though I have a cold, but a cold is nothing next to a terminal illness). I'm thankful for full use of all my limbs (even if they are soar from too much exercise). I'm beyond words thankful for my family of Jesse, Deedee, Bozzy, and Maggie (even if I'm 30 with no human children). Today I'm thankful and that's putting a cheery glow on everything sitting before me. I think I'm out of the ditch. Now, I'm gonna see about staying out at least for longer than a week, OKAY!

1 comment:

  1. I know you aren't into Halloween but I bet if you saw my little cupcakes you couldn't help but feel happy. I"ll have a picture up soon.
