THIS IS MY 2010 BLOG... revisited 5 years later

Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Vain Attempt at Pickwickian Composure, Day 269

Today was full of delightful delicacies. I did suffer a headache for much of it's entirety and I indulged my monster on far too many occasions but I experienced enjoyment apart from having on a much grander scale that those negative occurrences are able to collectively collaborate.

I began the day out of doors in my own quaint yard witnessing my beloved furry children exerting all the vibrancy and life that an early morning unfolding evokes. Breathing the crisp dark autumn air and blanketed by the black heavens strewn with tiny radiant specks of light I stood encompassed by feelings of pride which one might embrace on such early mornings having bested the mighty sun's arrival and utter satisfaction associated with living such a grandiose life. After my little ones had exerted themselves and all of the morning's crucial labors had been executed but before I began the necessary toils for which I receive monetary reimbursement I proceeded fervently into the new day unfolding before me. The firmament overhead was ever so gradually lightening from black to varying shades of blue. The forests were still merely a silhouette. A spectacular array of low lying isolated waves of fog, each stream owning an individual identity altogether unlike fog normally exists but much rather like solid (in appearance) fluffy bunches of clouds which more regularly inhabit the sky blanketed the dark trees almost as if all of nature itself had been decorated 17 days early for a Halloween celebration. The scene was eery and exhilarating. I only wish I could more adequatley describe the beautiful vision which caused my skin to crawl and yet delighted my every fiber so.

Once the sun had claimed it's place within in the sky my eyes were able to envelop the miraculous sights of the fall season unfolding upon this very speck of the planet. Throughout the day I witnessed unending multi colored forests inhabiting perpetual hills. Leafy trees adorning the earth and decorating the forests were costumed in honey colored, blush, red, coral, and orange apparel more vibrant and spectacular than anything ever fashioned during all of the history of man. Unchanging blue pine stood steadfast amongst the ephemerally decorated trees while recently naked-ed branches boisterously proclaimed their new found freedom, resembling celebrators at Mardi Gras or Vegas just before a long slumber. Ordinary fields expanding in every direction were no less boastful than the festive forests. Vibrant yellow vegetation danced across still green fields speckled with crisp chocolate ferns. Burgundy saplings and unnatural looking florescent lemon colored bushes mingled amongst the merriment. Truly today the hills, the valleys, the forests and the sky above were alive with song and melodious rejoicing.

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