THIS IS MY 2010 BLOG... revisited 5 years later

Monday, January 11, 2010

Everyday Miracles, Day 16

My character structure, the true motivation of my behavior, constitutes my real being.
-Erich Fromm

Today started out as one of those classically HORRIBLE days. My “must do” work list (which comprises about half of my actual work list) was over 12 hours worth of work. I have an 8 hour work day with drive time in between my stores. I am not allowed overtime. So, recap: over 12 hours of work which MUST be completed in 7 hours. I am quite thankful for my job. I like to do my best and I try to keep my employer happy. However, is the above situation feasible??? Seriously? This isn’t the way I like to start out the week. I was ridiculously frustrated driving to work this morning, dreading every minute of the day ahead of me.

I tried to take deep breaths. I began my drive as I always do, thanked God for the day and then had a little conversation with Him. I’ve been trying lately to make time for God, prayer time, Bible time, and worship, in the midst of frustrating situations. I’ve noticed how I’ve practically perfected ignoring God when I’m in a bad mood, or faced with difficult times. I mostly only spend time with Him when I’m happy. Finally arriving at the realization that this isn’t a healthy way to function I’ve been consciously attempting to not ignore Him.

So, terrible day ahead of me, I tried my best to relax and just sought God for calm. I navigated the “must do’s” with terrific speed at my first store. I was basically running through Meijer, trying to accomplish as much as possible at once. I was in hyper speed mode. I exhausted myself BUT I got everything done in the amount of time allotted. I’m not going to lie, I was dreading my second store knowing that my morning accomplishments were miraculous and I was pretty much out of energy. Long story short my second store turned out just fine. Several hours worth of work I was scheduled to do had already been completed and I was able to get everything done, again. At first I was thinking wow, what a relief, that’s crazy and wonderful. Only about 10 seconds had lapsed when I thought, “wait… Thank-you God, You answered my prayers today.” I almost missed it though. I almost didn’t even think about God. I almost just figured it strange coincidence and left it at that. Honestly though, the entire situation was miraculous. It was a miracle. Tomorrow is another story. But I will cross that bridge when I get to it.

This is getting long but I MUST relate my thoughts on the above situation. I am slowly realizing that no matter what your circumstances may be, every minute of everyday belongs to you. You decide how you live each moment (happy, sad, joyful, frustrated, thankful, angry). Our circumstances do not control us. I can be whoever, however I want to be at all times despite my circumstances. Above and beyond that I am thankful that I have a Heavenly Father who is ALWAYS there with me (despite the circumstances). He REALLY came through for me today, but I think me resting in Him and relying on Him no matter what I'm going through is really the goal.

If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there Your hand shall lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me.
Ps 139: 9-10

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