THIS IS MY 2010 BLOG... revisited 5 years later

Friday, January 22, 2010

Heart, Day 26

My character structure, the true motivation of my behavior, constitutes my real being.
-Erich Fromm

I think its the Michigan winter but I've been SOOO tired lately. I think and think and think all day and by the time I get home from work I have a difficult time thinking any longer. It's been wonderful, spending lots of time with God, thinking, meditating even on truth and life. I feel full. I'm sort of bursting at the seams right now which is making writing very difficult for me.

This morning I was again reminded of Martha and Mary in the scriptures; loving vs. serving. The same lesson rings true over and over again but it is getting to be very bare bones for me. I'm realizing that I need to have a heart like Mary even while I'm praying, even while I'm reading the Word, even while I'm searching for truth. Without love... meaningless.

The condition of your heart is what makes everything you do what it is. You can do the same exact thing two times with two different heart conditions and that duplicate act will be entirely different both times. I believe that you can know everything in your head, I mean you can be sure, convinced, determined but your heart can still be on a totally different page. I think the ultimate task for a human being is to not only discover the truth but to then teach that truth to the heart. I'm only realizing more and more how wounded and decieved and confused our hearts are. Someone can really be heart broken, heart sick, heartless even.

I'm totally rambling. Good-nite.

one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.
Luke 10:42

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