THIS IS MY 2010 BLOG... revisited 5 years later

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Sticking to my guns, Day 11

In the very attempt to supress having and consuming, the person may be equally preoccupied with having and consuming.
-Erich Fromm

I've done a surprisingly good job at sticking to my guns thus far. I've been tempted by a few different items. I REALLY wanted to break down and spend money that I do not have on starbucks yesterday. But I did not and fighting the erge wasn't even difficult. I feel like I'm in a different place then ever before. I've always made these concious decisions that I am going to... But when I am faced with the task at hand I have to make the decision all over again. Usually I don't stick to the plan. I believe that I've always conciously decided I "want" to do "this" or "that" but only in my mind. My heart condition never changed. I was the same person only hoping to behave differently but with no inward change.

This time I feel like somewhere inside of me the decision was finalized so once I'm faced with the task at hand I already know what needs to be done. I don't have to try and decide right then and there when the stakes are high. I don't think I'm fighting myself this time. Instead I'm fighting a learned behavior, but I feel I have changed, inwardly, my heart has changed.

Now for the amazing outcome at my having will power for possibly the first time ever: my desires are changing. Yesterday while I was working I wanted so desperately to spend time with God. I can pray in my head while at work. But I was almost thirsty, there was this incredibly strong... it was a thirst, to just be with my Father God. Just us. If I were to walk around Meijer singing and dancing and worshiping God, I'd probably get thrown out and lose my job. I was desperate to spend time with Him. It was amazing. I'm usually desperate for a candy bar but there was nothing, NOTHING else on my mind, just God. Today was similar in that most of the day I wanted to be praying. I wanted to talk with God and listen to Him and there really wasn't anything else I desired (other than to not be working).

At present I am truly amazed at what a little discipline can do. I think I might be learning how to BE!

: )

'Take from among you an offering to the LORD. Whoever is of a willing heart, let him bring it as an offering to the LORD... Ex. 35:5

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