THIS IS MY 2010 BLOG... revisited 5 years later

Monday, November 8, 2010

Christmas List, Day 289

I've bought virtually nothing this year. With Christmas tantalizingly near I've been making lists in my head of all the wonderful THINGS I could ask for. New shoes, nice new clothes that fit, a few odds and ends for the kitchen, I really want a punching bag, maybe some camera stuff... I've got a nice size list and I've been getting more and more excited about the season for getting. Jesse's mom always gives a sizable amount of cash as a gift. Jesse and I, not having children spend a nice amount of money on each other each year (and since we don't have children others don't tend to spend quite as much on our family as they do on every one else's). It's nice when asked, "what'd you get for Christmas," which's bound to make it's way through at least one set of lips, to be able to respond excitedly about something terrific you received.

Interestingly enough the closer the grandeous day gets the more I'm relinquishing my wants for more important non-things, or at least less instant satisfaction items. Instead of a punching bag I'd really rather put that money towards paying off debt. Instead of nice new kitchen items I'd rather pay off debt. Instead of shoes I'd rather pay off debt. Instead of awesome clothes, which always afford a fabulous amount of instant exuberance, I'd rather save towards a vacation/ seeing the world. I really don't need anything. I don't need a pie pan. I can always buy one. I don't need a new cookie sheet. I can keeping lining the existing one with tin foil. I don't need a turkey roasting pan. I just made a turkey in a brownie pan and it turned out great. I guess this responsibility and priorities thing pans out ok when you let things simmer and shine a lot of light on the matter. If Christmas would have been a few weeks ago I'd have blown a ton of money on nice stuff, momentary satisfaction, and desirous things I do not need.

I might actually be looking forward to Christmas even more now that I'm planning on being responsible.
God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Phil 4:19

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