THIS IS MY 2010 BLOG... revisited 5 years later

Friday, November 12, 2010

Jesus, Day 292

I've been thinking along the same lines all week but I haven't been able to appropriately put my thoughts into words. The thoughts I've been experiencing have been along the lines of religion vs. relationship and law vs. grace. I believe that "the church" fundamentally has gotten something very wrong. ALOT of people don't like church. Church is almost a bad word in today's culture. But think about it, church is a place that believers go to worship GOD. And if you were to ask me God is the best thing about everything. Just look at yourself, and those around you, the guy is a genius (God that is). Then look a little further into the world we're living in and see the miracles that He's blessed us with. This world is amazing. God is amazing. The place people congregate to worship God shouldn't be yucky.

For awhile I've been very negligent with my religious duties. I have not been attending church. I don't like it right now. I haven't been spending time in the Word (other than looking up scriptures). Compared to normal for me I've hardly been praying at all. I can't remember the last time I got on my knees in worship. This lackluster lifestyle of mine has been occurring for months.

I started to apologize to God the other day for my recently not having been performing my religious duties. I feel bad for neglecting the above mentioned but while I was praying about it I realized something fairly amazing. I haven't been reading, or worshiping, or praying, or attending church like I believe I should be but I've felt the presence of God in my life more recently than ever. In fact I'm more at peace then I've ever been. I've been listening to the still small voice and allowing it to grow and to change me all throughout every single day.

Ever since I began trying to recognize the beauty in now; ever since I started consiously being thankful for all the little things; ever since I stopped looking forward and started noticing the life unfolding all around me I've felt more alive and hopeful then ever. My marriage isn't perfect. My job is sort of lame. I struggle all the time and I'm super flawed. I spend moments in every waking hour trying to make things better. But I've finally stopped living for perfection, for the future. I've finally started appreciating now. I think I've finally stopped trying to redeem myself and I've finally started walking in redemption. 

Everything I've been learning this year brings me, so far, to this point. I'm willing to say, and I could be completely wrong, that any religious act one performs is a vain attempt at earning redemption. The law (given to us through Moses) says, "You NEED to... in order to receive approval, salvation, redemption, admittance into God's presence." If you attend church often enough then you'll be good enough. If you read the Bible often enough then you'll be holy enough. If you pray often enough then you'll be acceptable to God. The law is mans way of getting to God. Performing it is exactly like building the tower of babel or crafting a ladder to climb into heaven. It almost cuts God out of the equation and it completely nullifies Jesus. As long as you're holy enough, pious enough then you're A OK.*

Jesus came and sacrificed himself so that He could say, "I forgive you. I love you. I have made you clean. I have redeemed you. I see you as perfect and so does our Father." Jesus said that if you love Him then you will do what He's commanded or you'll follow those things which He taught. That's just it, the love comes first.  If you love Him; if you're appreciative of the life and the gifts that He's given you; if you realize who you are as a child of the King, as a heavenly prince or princess; if you understand who He is then you will do what He's commanded because you'll want to. Not because you have to. Nothing would be sweeter to you, nothing would be more desirable than to bless Him for the amazing things He's done for you. The relationship part of this big picture is spending time with God, with Jesus and learning who you are and who He is so that you're in alignment with the vision. So that you don't HAVE to perform law, but rather you desire to bless your creator and savior. And seeing the truth (given to us by Christ) you desire that everyone have the opportunity to know God fully.

The question I'm finding myself asking is: what drives you? Are you driven by love, by beauty, by gratitude, thankfulness, or obligation, responsibility, law, religion... I believe that the answer to that question defines the freedom in your life. Anyone who operates under the law, attempting to redeem himself (which is impossible) is bound by unbreakable chains. I've been trying to be good enough all of my life but I've always come short. Recently, I believe that God sees me as perfect through Christ who's made me whole. And no longer do I have to be good enough because I already am. Mistakes are now ok. They're already erased before I make them.

This blog could go on forever. Thank-you for reading.

The multitude marveled when they saw the mute speaking, the maimed made whole, the lame walking, and the blind seeing; and they glorified the God of Israel. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. Matt 15:31 & 2 cor 5:17

*we're not holy enough or pious enough and the law brings a vast amount of separation between the brethren. It causes condemnation, judgement, shame, guilt; it creates an effect in the church body and in the Christian religion opposite to love. The scriptures call Satan "the accuser of the brethren" but doesn't the law in fact bestow that very same title upon us who strive to keep it and hold it over each others heads?

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