THIS IS MY 2010 BLOG... revisited 5 years later

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 234

When they did not find him, they went back to Jerusalem to look for him. Luke 2:45
I’ve realized as of late that I've been purposely distracting myself. I've been listening to the radio (news radio) even when it's just the annoying commercials just to avoid thinking. I've been sitting in front of the computer honestly doing nothing for minutes here minutes there when I could instead be reading or cleaning or doing something productive. When I sit and think I go over and over all the things in life that I feel need addressing. Like trying to spend more time with friends (something I've been totally neglecting lately), getting back to cleaning up the clutter around here, drawing all those pictures I've come up with in my head which have yet to meet paper, figuring out how to be more positive and less mopey, coming up with a reasonable budget and sticking to it... I just think and think and think and the brain never lets me rest unless I'm distracting it with noise, nonsense, chatter. Since I've noticed myself doing this I'm not very proud of the revelation. What a wimpy thing to do.

Today I'm trying a new tactic. I'm going to cut out the noise and then I'm going to spend some quality time with a good friend I've been neglecting more than most. The nice thing is that I can talk to him in my car, while I'm working, during book reading time, the opportunities are endless. Luke 2:44 says "Thinking he was in their company, they traveled on for a day." He's not here and it's been much longer than a day. No more distractions, I'm going back to Jerusalem.


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