THIS IS MY 2010 BLOG... revisited 5 years later

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sick Day 256

I've been sick all day. I hate being sick but I'm always intrigued by the peace, comfort and satisfaction that feeling normal brings after a sickness is over. Just feeling normal, no extra snot, no headache, no nausea, just normal is so wonderful. Wouldn't it be interesting if we were constantly thankful for normalcy, if we were always able to recall times of difficulty and pain just enough that we'd be thankful for every minute free of hardship?

It's been pretty cold lately. There have been a few days recently that I have not been able to get warm... possibly part of the reason I got sick, and my second to last toe is purple again. I keep reminding myself of the days this summer when my skin was covered in humidity slime, sweat was dripping from my forehead, the air was on full blast inside but couldn't keep up with the heat and I wished wished wished that SOMEHOW I could cool off. I try and imagine that it's that hot outside right now and the cold chilly dry air that's causing me to have to put on socks and a sweatshirt is heaven sent to relieve me from the heat outside. It actually kind of works.

I guess that finding contentment in life isn't as difficult as we make it out to be sometimes. Instead of complaining about the struggle and discomfort I just need to remind myself why this is good.

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