THIS IS MY 2010 BLOG... revisited 5 years later

Saturday, September 4, 2010

We do not NEED new dishes, Day 224

I've decided that need is relative to thought. You've never needed anything that you didn't first think you needed. What if it were possible (and I believe it is) to find contentment in all that sourrounds you and to live the life you've been given to it's absolute fullest without all those little creeping thoughts of need? I think we'd all be so much less stressed, anxious, busy, oh the list goes on. Life would be great if there weren't need.

Obviously all man alike needs food, water, shelter, and love. I'm not reffering to any of that when I talk about "having" or in this case needing. But do any of us need a brand new car or a nicer area rug? Do we need a new set of (matching) dishes (ours have become quite eclectic)? Are all the new odds and ends and niceties that we work so hard for just to replace the old odds and ends and niceties necessary? Some would say yes. Some would so no but it's nice to have niceties. I'm beggining to think defineatly not. We have what we need and anything more just makes things complicated. The poorest in this coutry are rich compared to people in truly impoverished places.

I've been struggling a little bit lately with purchasing extras. Over the past week I've had at least 5 different things in my shopping cart that I in no way needed but felt compelled enough to place in my cart before removing several minutes later. I'm thankful for the 2010 purchases list on this blog or I'd have definately bought all 5 of those things (at present I cannot remember what any of them were... pretty sure I didn't need them). Yesterday I did buy nylons. My legs are so white and covered in bruises and I convinced myself that I "needed" nylons. I wore them for less than two hours and they aquired a huge run. It was probably from crawling around on the floor. I even splurged and purchased the expensive ones. I guess people who crawl around on the floor shouldn't wear nylons. Less than two hours and I had to throw them away. I went the rest of the night with pale bruised legs and only thought about the embarssement twice. I guess I didn't "need" nylons.

Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working with his hands what is good, that he may have something to give to him who has need. Eph 4:28

Do you have need?

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