THIS IS MY 2010 BLOG... revisited 5 years later

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Glorious Vacation, Day 239

I was watching a commercial for a cruise line and as each splendid image flashed across the screen I thought to myself, "You know what, I want to take a cruise." I've never wanted to take a cruise before. Except maybe an Alaskan one, just for the shoreline scenery and to go to Alaska. But I was watching all the excitement flash across the screen and it grabbed a hold of me. I figured it'd be a lot of fun to get caught up in that commercial for a few days.

The truth is I'm not really a fan of excitement like that. I enjoy history and the beauty of the world. I enjoy experiencing culture. A boat party probably wouldn't even be fun for me. I imagine it's kind of like being stuck in a really elaborate mall/ hotel. But the flashing images tricked me for a minute.

If you look back to any good vacation you may have had I bet it seems a lot like that commercial. All the best and biggest and most memorable parts quickly rush to mind. We create our own little commercial about our past experience and it's enough to make life look super dull, boring, and wasteful. Our own little vacation memorandum commercial draws us to escape, to find vacation with all the spectacular flashing images involved. We often times forget about hardships during the travel (or at least remember them as being adventurous). When we first think about the wonderful experience we don't remember being tired, or frustrated. We don't remember the little inconveniences, annoyances, and down times. We chose to remember it the way we hoped it would be; as wonderful.

I was just thinking that we could do the same thing with everyday life. I could compile a bunch of memories in my mind of the good parts of the day, of the wonderful beauty I've seen, and I could look back upon each day with fondness and gratitude. I could chose to forget tiredness, boring patches, frustration and stupid people (I'm sorry but they are out there). But at home those are usually the images that flash through my mind when I'm looking back upon the day, when I'm wishing to escape, to vacation, to hop on a cruise ship in a commercial. At home I'm drawn to remember the bad stuff. While I away I feel that time is to precious to let the bad stuff have any foothold. Looks like I'm one of the stupid people.

I think maybe I'll vacation today... or at least I'll try and remember the good stuff.

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