THIS IS MY 2010 BLOG... revisited 5 years later

Thursday, September 16, 2010

No Patience, Day 236

Today was one of those really long exhausting days.

Have you ever wondered what the person walking behind you in the store was thinking. Well if it was me today then I was thinking, "why the heck are you walking SOOOOO slowly in the middle of the aisle, can't you see that there are other people here who don't want to move at turtle speed? AHHHHHHH, go, Go, GO, you suck! Why are you walking so slow???? Just move to the side. Are you blind? Can you seriously not here me scuffing my feet right here behind you? Why do all these people insist on walking so slow?"

I was working but I'm pretty sure online shopping was invented for me. I don't like stores. I don't like going to them, being in them, getting out of them. And yet I work in a store (well 10 stores). I really need to rethink things. Right now however I'm going to stop thinking. My brain is tired.

I'm not sure what this has to do with anything but it's all I can think of today because I feel like I was operating on full speed in a slow motion world today. It was not fun.

1 comment:

  1. You sound like James.
    It is really frustrating when people go slow. It usually gets me when I'm driving. Sometimes I just want to run my car into them. I obviously wouldn't but it has crossed my mind.
